As 2024 comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and what we’ve done. Michael Hyatt’s words resonate deeply: “Don’t fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.” It’s now or never.
In a world filled with distractions, endless commitments, and growing to-do lists, a simple life feels like a breath of fresh air. It’s about stripping away the unnecessary and focusing on what truly matters – peace, purpose, connection. We must listen to the simple whispers.
Life has a way of challenging our faith in ourselves. Pushing us to question our purpose and our role in the grand scheme of things. We often find ourselves contemplating the direction we should take, the choices we should make, and the risks we should embrace. We must make the most of our life before […]
Sitting here, right now, with this view. The Milano cathedral all lit up at dusk. The Duomo, the people, and the pigeons. The last night of our grand Italian tour. Sitting here just remembering it, thinking about the memories we have made.
Family holidays are often considered a highlight of childhood, I have lots of beautiful memories. But as kids grow up and no longer want to holiday with their parents, those memories can take on even greater significance. Family holidays can become happiness anchors, providing a foundation of happy memories. Experiences that last a lifetime.
Time. Something we can’t see, touch, or taste, but we know it exists. Time is not a great healer, that is completely untrue. 21 years is a while. 21 trips around the sun. 21 years of missing you. 21 everythings.
I’m 42 now (26 if anyone asks), and I’m in a point in my life where I’m happy. Just started a new job, which is challenging but which I’m enjoying. Kids are happy, hubby is happy, life is good, but I am always experiencing wanderlust.
TO BELONG (verb): to be the property of (someone) | to be a part of (something) | to be in the right place | to feel that you are in the right place | TO DISCONNECT (verb) disconnect something (from something) | to become detached
Memini, ergo sum, I remember, therefore I am. An adaptation of the famous philosophical statement by René Descartes. Memory is a very interesting phenomenon. It makes up part of our being, it creates emotions and is our ticket back to the land of the past. But can making memories also help us slow down time?
Murphy’s Law states that what can go wrong, will go wrong. Whilst I’m sure we’ve all experienced this at some point, it’s more commonly known as a bad break. I’m not a believer of fate, that our path is already written, and someone out there knows exactly what’s gonna happen on the next page of […]
Tomorrow isn’t promised, we know that. We’ve read enough quotes and fridge magnets to remind us that we have to live like it’s our last day. The days go quick, the weeks are long and the years short, and it’s true what they say, life really does go by in the blink of an eye. […]
Life is a fairy tale, right? Castles, rich men on horseback, free shoes, beautiful dresses and birds to do your cleaning. Ok, maybe not so much but dreams really do come true and happy ever after is totally achievable. And as for romance, well Australia stole my heart.
I’m a massive fan of the new year, not so much the eve, in bed by my usual 9pm but just the thoughts and emotions of leaving one chapter behind and entering the next. A mind full of plans and dreams and a list of to-dos, including to always look up.
While I sit here tonight glass in hand in Tasmania, in a beautiful hotel overlooking the amazing city of Hobart, one of the world’s most southern cities on what is the last few hours of my thirties, I’m thinking thoughts of old. The age thing doesn’t bother me. I do wonder where the years have […]
When I was a teenager, I thought 40 was old, like really old! It’s apparently the big one, but is it really? I mean, what makes it big? Is it because we’re maybe half-way through the game? Because we’re supposed to be mature at this point with semi-grown up kids? Is it now that life […]
Life is a game, a book, a tale and on times needs editing and re-writing. Our story thus far is true but if carried forward, could be the death of the person you aspire to be. The past you is in the past, it’s got you to where you are, same old story. But it […]