Now or Never

now or never workkidssleep

As 2024 comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and what we’ve done. Michael Hyatt’s words resonate deeply: “Don’t fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.” It’s now or never. 

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Simple Whispers

breathing easy workkidssleep

In a world filled with distractions, endless commitments, and growing to-do lists, a simple life feels like a breath of fresh air. It’s about stripping away the unnecessary and focusing on what truly matters – peace, purpose, connection. We must listen to the simple whispers.

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Rock Paper Scissors

workkidssleep rock paper scissors

Life feels a bit like a game of rock, paper, scissors at times – unpredictable. For many of us, times are tough right now. It’s easy to feel weighed down by everything happening around us. But even when things seem uncertain, there’s always a reason to keep moving forward, to live for today, and to […]

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All the light we cannot see

White matter disease workkidssleep

So, life threw me a curveball at the end of last year. Turns out, it was a game-changer that I never saw coming.  All the light we cannot see.

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Half a life

half a life workkidssleep

Time.  The one thing no one can control.  Not the government, the politicians, or the billionaires.  Nor me.  When half a life passes, it can only remind us of the speed of life.  Day, week, month, year, decade.  It passes so quick.  Especially with age. When you’re at the point in your life where you […]

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Live for Younger Days

live for younger days

Life has an interesting way of coming full circle. Sometimes, we find ourselves revisiting the passions and pursuits of our younger days, reigniting the flames of our youth.

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Finding our Ikigai

finding our ikigai workkidssleep

In a fast-paced world filled with demands, responsibilities, and an ever-increasing sense of disconnection, the pursuit of purpose has become a universal quest. Many of us yearn for that elusive feeling of fulfilment and meaning in our lives. Finding our Ikigai is step one. 

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Before the coffee gets cold

Life has a way of challenging our faith in ourselves. Pushing us to question our purpose and our role in the grand scheme of things. We often find ourselves contemplating the direction we should take, the choices we should make, and the risks we should embrace. We must make the most of our life before […]

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Sitting Here.

sitting here workkidssleep

Sitting here, right now, with this view.  The Milano cathedral all lit up at dusk.  The Duomo, the people, and the pigeons.  The last night of our grand Italian tour.  Sitting here just remembering it, thinking about the memories we have made.

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hiraeth workkdissleep

Hiraeth.  A deep longing for something, especially one’s home. A Welsh word that doesn’t exist in the English language but exists in my heart.

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Calm Serenity

strength in silence workkidssleep

In today’s noisy and chaotic world, silence is often undervalued and overlooked. We are bombarded with constant noise from technology, media, and other sources, and encouraged to always be talking, interacting, and engaging with others. However, true strength can often be found in silence. A calm serenity.

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What if versus what is

what if versus what is workkidssleep

In life, it’s natural to dream about what could be. The endless possibilities and the potential for a better future. We make plans and set goals, imagining how our lives could be different if we achieve them. However, we need to remember the now.  What if versus What is.

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Maybe tomorrow?

maybe tomrrow? workkidssleep

As I sit here and reflect on my life, I can’t help but think about the fragility of it all. The fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed and that my time on this earth is limited. It’s a scary thought, but it’s also a reality that we all have to face.  Maybe tomorrow?

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Letting Go

letting go workkidssleep

It is just so sad.  Yes, I’m bursting with pride for the man he is becoming but the transition hurts so much. I remember his first steps, his first words, and all the big moments in his life.  Now at almost 17, can I feel him letting go?

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21 Everythings

workkidssleep 21 everythings

Time. Something we can’t see, touch, or taste, but we know it exists. Time is not a great healer, that is completely untrue.  21 years is a while. 21 trips around the sun. 21 years of missing you.  21 everythings.

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What is enough?

workkidssleep what is enough

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and it has!  4 years has gone so quick! From saying our Welsh goodbyes back in November 2018, to setting up our new life, to schools, to work and a global pandemic.  It’s been a rollercoaster!  But what is enough?

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Raising children your parents way

workkidssleep imitation

Imitation. The action of using someone or something as a model.  That’s me.  I’ve done it for at least 16 years. Raising children your parents way.

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Wanderlust workkidssleep

I’m 42 now (26 if anyone asks), and I’m in a point in my life where I’m happy. Just started a new job, which is challenging but which I’m enjoying.  Kids are happy, hubby is happy, life is good, but I am always experiencing wanderlust.

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