November 20, 2022.Reading time 6 minutes.
They say time flies when you’re having fun, and it has! 4 years has gone so quick! From saying our Welsh goodbyes back in November 2018, to setting up our new life, to schools, to work and a global pandemic. It’s been a rollercoaster! But what is enough?
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December 29, 2018.Reading time 6 minutes.
Moving to the other side of the world is something we always spoke of doing, something that was always on the living bucket list, that we’d wanted to do for quite some time, and 2018 saw that dream come true. Blue sky, sandy beaches, ocean waves but also, more opportunity to live and dream.
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December 29, 2018.Reading time 11 minutes.
Can you really change? At almost 40, pretty set in your ways, done the same things the same way for forever, can you really hit the reset button on yourself and start over? It appears so.
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August 31, 2018.Reading time 6 minutes.
So it’s here. My last day of employment and the start of the exciting laptop-living freelance life. But as I sit here alone at 8.30am on my last day in the office, I can’t help to think what I’m leaving behind.
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