Moving to the other side of the world is something we always spoke of doing, something that was always on the living bucket list, that we’d wanted to do for quite some time, and 2018 saw that dream come true. Blue sky, sandy beaches, ocean waves but also, more opportunity to live and dream.

Where we were back home was great. I had a really good job, well paid, beautiful home and everything that we needed and wanted, but with the opportunity to move to Australia came, it evoked an excitement inside us, the excitement of starting again, reinventing everything we ever knew and trying new things.

It’s human nature to care or worry about what other people think. Take me for example. I’m a pretty confident girl but as I’ve got older, I’ve learnt not to give a stuff about how other people live their lives, those who are thinner than me, have a bigger house, or fancier car, it just does nothing for me nowadays. However, Vlogging is something I’ve always wanted to try but being Welsh and having a strong, Valley accent I’ve always worried about how I’ll come across, how I sound on screen and how people may not be able to understand me and think I sound dull! But should I care? If I’m talking about something that I’m educated in, something I have knowledge about and a passion for, should I let the potential thoughts and views of others prevent me from doing it?

In the UK, it never would have happened although out here, I’ve already done some demo’s so we’ll see how that goes but certainly for 2019, I’ve begun to put some challenges in place for myself, some goals that I want to achieve in this amazing country, things that will no doubt push me to my limits and out of my comfort zone.

You’re never too young to plan and dream, right? If you’re not willing to risk it and get over your fears including the thoughts of others, then your life will be ordinary by default. You cannot live the same year 75 times over and call it a life, it doesn’t work that way.

Me? I need so much more! I need to nourish my mind and my soul, let my passion for creativity, for helping others and for living life burn bright from the inside out and I need to reach as many stars as possible! I could easily set myself a list of New Year Resolutions for 2019, but you know as well as me that they’d be all out the window mid-month! Instead, I choose to plan and dream. To dream about my future life, about the journey of getting there, about the long term fixes and adjustments I can make to my life to better it rather than the smaller, less important things I want immediately! (skinny legs, fit body, less wrinkles!)

My advice to anyone who has a plan for 2019, dream big. Dream big, plan it out, work hard and enjoy every place your mind takes you. Live your best life and the magic will follow. Happy New Year!
Written by Editor, Rhian Cable
Mum, Wife, Marketing Specialist and Blogger – Living life every minute.
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