I’m definitely a grateful person. I say my thank you’s when they’re due but more so, I’m grateful for all the things around me, my family, my friends, my life and this beach!

Being able to feel gratitude is a big deal. Some say recognising gratitude and all the small mercies in life can help make you feel more positive, more optimistic, and recent research suggests it’s good for the heart, literally! Feeling grateful for the positives in your life can make you feel lighter on a daily basis (unfortunately, this one’s not literal, lighter in spirit!), enhance your relationships with others, and concentrating on the smaller things in life will help open your mind up, taking note of and making you grateful for everything around you, even the littlest of things, and make the big things seem simpler!

With the Christmas holidays just passed, I’m sure we were all grateful for the gifts we received but real gratitude delves much deeper than this. It’s about the acceptance of our surroundings, our family and friends, our loved ones, our time with these people, food in the fridge, a warm house (or a cool one for us here in Australia!). It’s about the awareness of our lives, our world and everything in it, and acceptance of everything we have right here, right now, in this present moment.

Writing daily gratitude notes is something something I’ve been reading a lot about of late, so I have decided to encourage my passion for words and write weekly about the good bits, rather than a one-liner in my journal. So here goes…. Oh, Happy Days, Take 1!
31st Dec 2018 – 4th Jan 2019
?? Fire works:
I love the new year and I’m a massive fan of new beginnings! My new Christmas stationary was already full of plans and goals towards 2019 dreams and I couldn’t wait to turn the first page of the diary and calendar on the 1st. As far as celebrations for the new year go, I’ve never really been a massive fan. When I was younger yes, out drinking and dancing ’til early hours, seeing the New Year in with Auld Lang Syne and kisses all round, but I haven’t been out on new year since 2004, pre-pregnancy. Although here in Australia, in our new home, I kinda thought it may be nice to see the new year in, to celebrate as a family and allow the kids to stay up late to welcome in the new year in this amazing new country.

We spent the night huddled with hundreds of other people at the lovely Salt Village Beach, drinking hot chocolate and watching the most amazing firework display, sparklers in hand, however the night didn’t quite go to plan after I decided earlier on that we probably couldn’t stay away until midnight so we went to the 9pm showing, put on especially for children, and were all in bed by 10pm! A fabulous night was had and amazing memories were made to mark the start of the first full year in our new life. #FeelingGrateful.

?? Good Morning 2019!
The last time I saw the sunrise on the beach on New Years day was January 1st, 2000. We were in Lanzarote and had just got engaged on New Years eve the night before. It was approx 6am on a Saturday morning and we had significant hangovers, very different to this day! That particular sunrise was the first one of the new Millennium for us and it was gorgeous, I remember it well.

After deciding to do the earlier firework display on New Years eve the night before, I decided that If I wasn’t to see the new year in, I’d at least see the sunrise for the first time in 2019 on our beach, the place we spend most of our time nowadays. I set the alarm for 5:15am and did the 90 second walk to the sand and was completely alone, not a sole in sight! The tide was right in and the rise was spectacular, so pretty above the waves crashing on the shoreline, so peaceful! I sat there for 30 mins taking it all in, snapping away with my Canon, by then joined with other people admiring the view.

2 hours later, and to continue our family tradition here in Oz, after the children ate their breakfast, we all made our way to the beach, the four of us this time. A splash in the ocean, a wander on the sand, lots of pics to remember that moment, and we were done. Cant beat a bit of fresh air to welcome the morning, and the new year. #FeelingGrateful.

?? Wet and certainly wild!
After our morning ritual on the sand, we headed up to the Gold Coast’s Wet and Wild for a day of aqua fun! We’d already bought the annual passes before Christmas, which actually also covers you for 3 other parks, but this was our first visit to the famous water village. Meeting our friends there, 8 of us in total headed across the border into Queensland for a day of laughs, and it didn’t disappoint! Our friends had been many times before, having been living out here in paradise for 7 years so they knew all the rides well, which were the ones worth queuing for and which to avoid due to their fear factor rating! – Needless to say, I only went on a few!

The day was a massive hit with all of us! Lovely to visit new places and make new memories, and with our annual pass, we’ll definitely be coming back here, frequently in this weather, perfectly situated just 40 mins from the front door! Fabulous! #FeelingGrateful.

?? Coffee with a client
After linking up on a networking Facebook page I joined, this week I met with a lovely lady named Lizzy who owns a little handmade jewellery boutique and is doing phenomenally! Lizzy is hoping to grow her audience online next year, primarily on Facebook and other social media channels hence asked for a meet with me to discuss how I could possibly help her, which of course I can!

Having work meetings in coffee shops has been my fave thing to do for a while, especially with hot chocolate involved and when you know you can make a difference and help someone grow their business, it’s even better! Lizzy knows exactly what she wants to achieve, is completely nailing it with her online store and I cannot wait to work alongside her and her fabulous business to push it even further! Exciting times! #FeelingGrateful.
?? Beautiful throwback
So as an avid cinema goer, I was a little perturbed to learn that Australia get most films later than the UK, clearly they don’t realise their number 1 fan has moved yet! We’ve seen quite a few since we’ve been here, (loving Aquaman, man and film!) , but this week I took a trip down memory lane and went to see Mary Poppins! I’ve been so excited for this all year!

Me and my girl met up with her new friend Ella from school, her little sister Lily and Mum, Suzie and we had a fabulous day out! The film was awesome, I loved the story and am a massive fan of Emma Blunt so that helped, plus it was lovely to spend time without the boys, just us girls and her new friends, popcorn and probably too many treats… well as Mary says, a spoon full of sugar! (Or two!) #FeelingGrateful.

?? Happiness Doesn’t Make Us Grateful; Gratitude Makes Us Happy ??
Love Rhian
Written by Editor, Rhian Cable
Mum, Wife, Marketing Specialist and Blogger – Living life every minute.
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