June 2, 2019.Reading time 6 minutes.
Dear Life, I’d kinda hope by now I’m playing it right, that I know the rules of your game. There seems to be a lot of challenges and I’m not entirely sure I fully understand it yet; I couldn’t find the manual.
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December 29, 2018.Reading time 11 minutes.
Can you really change? At almost 40, pretty set in your ways, done the same things the same way for forever, can you really hit the reset button on yourself and start over? It appears so.
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August 31, 2018.Reading time 6 minutes.
So it’s here. My last day of employment and the start of the exciting laptop-living freelance life. But as I sit here alone at 8.30am on my last day in the office, I can’t help to think what I’m leaving behind.
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August 24, 2018.Reading time 3 minutes.
There are so many life clichés – Life is short | Live for today, not for tomorrow | Live every day like it’s your last | Dream like you’ll live forever, live like you’ll die today… But they are cliché for a reason, because they are true.
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