March 4, 2023.Reading time 6 minutes.
In life, it’s natural to dream about what could be. The endless possibilities and the potential for a better future. We make plans and set goals, imagining how our lives could be different if we achieve them. However, we need to remember the now. What if versus What is.
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August 25, 2019.Reading time 7 minutes.
We all see and interpret things differently, it’s all about perspective. The lens through which we view the world shapes how we interpret it, so it can alter our reality from the truth and limit our living.
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September 9, 2018.Reading time 7 minutes.
We live in an era of disturbance, of interference, of distraction yet our futures will be determined by the amount of attention we pay to the present. Lots of things have changed for me lately, some big moves have been made for sure and I’m looking ahead to the future, but should I be?
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