To Belong


TO BELONG (verb): to be the property of (someone) | to be a part of (something) | to be in the right place | to feel that you are in the right place | TO DISCONNECT (verb) disconnect something (from something) | to become detached

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Through the lens


We all see and interpret things differently, it’s all about perspective. The lens through which we view the world shapes how we interpret it, so it can alter our reality from the truth and limit our living.

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The 5 dimensions of Health

You hear people talking all the time about wanting to lose weight, wanting to eat better and pay more attention to their bodies, wanting to get fitter, but what about our psychological health, does that get a work out too?

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Learning to live, again

Can you really change? At almost 40, pretty set in your ways, done the same things the same way for forever, can you really hit the reset button on yourself and start over?  It appears so.

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