Always being a career girl, then making the decision to quit the day job back in August, I’ve really enjoyed officially setting myself up as a ‘Freelance Marketing Specialist’ (love a good title!), having done it on the side of the paid job for a long time, but now that it’s my only source of income, I have to make this work!
After 20 years in the fast, Automotive world, I now enjoy dealing with difference clients, with different businesses, in different industries as I feel it broadens my working spectrum, mixes up the day, makes me widen my knowledge base and keeps things fresh!
It’s always scary going off on your own and starting a business. No set career path any more, no pension, no private healthcare, no paid holidays, no monthly pay cheque, hell no lunch break! It can be very uncertain at times, not knowing how much I’ll be earning this week or when I’ll actually get paid, but I also feel empowered, alive and free., working the hours I want when I want, all around my family, my first priority. Plus I feel like my passion is coming back, something I lost a while back, amid a Monday morning meeting I’m sure!
It’s hard sometimes to explain to people what I now actually do for a living, especially since I’ve started Adlib Media over here in Australia. I guess my career has gone from a lengthy, and kinda boring last going off, corporate one to modern, fast paced digital one, which suits me and my new Aussie lifestyle just perfectly, which I’m loving!

Marketing is something I’ve done for 2 decades now and it’s a fun game, and over the last few years I’ve broadened my offerings to include much more, to meet the ever-adapting digital landscape that businesses need to navigate through to get themselves seen.

Graphic design, brand building, video production, photography, copywriting, social media management are just some of the services I now offer to my clients, who can pick and chose what best suits them for their business objective needs and I really do enjoy brainstorm sessions with them, over a hot chocolate or two, to work out exactly what it is they need to do, and how I can help them.

I guess although I always spoke of going freelance full time, I’m not sure I ever saw it fully happening, it being 100% my only source of cash but now that I’ve started, and am officially set up with my Australian Business Number, bookkeeper, accountant and business bank numbers, I’m so excited!

I already have a few clients on the books, one still in fast cars and Motorsport, plus a T-Shirt designer, skincare | nutrition | make up specialist plus a maths mentor and an amazing media production company and I’m really looking forward to growing my little business in 2019 and seeing where it takes me!

Who knows, social media may not be around forever, digital marketing may well implode, and with Smart phones constantly upping their game, the Canon camera may well go out of fashion but for now, I am definitely enjoying the work | life balance, my own self-made career, doing my own thing and being my own boss… day job is pretty cool! #feelinggrateful
Written by Editor, Rhian Cable
Mum, Wife, Marketing Specialist and Blogger – Living life every minute.
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